‘’One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself’’

-Leonardo Davinci-

Davinci, one of my favorite historical figures. Personally, I believe he is one of the finest minds of all time. He was a passionate individual who sought answers to his questions in his own unique way. I believe he was like an alien to others at the time. Because he stood out from the crowd. He is, in fact, one of a kind. Some of his work is still difficult to comprehend.

What do you think of this quote, ‘’One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself’’

To my opinion, I agree with Davinci. The mastery of oneself is the ability to perceive, analyze, and manage the many components of one's personality or self in order to generate a superior quality of life experience.

I believe the principle Davinci is suggesting here is that if we devote our entire attention to mastering or studying ourselves, we can achieve anything in life. Self-discipline and consistency, in my opinion, are the most important aspects of mastering oneself.

He demonstrated that by his own actions. In some ways, he had conquered himself. That may be seen in his work. He is a true expert in his field. Some of his masterworks include the Mona Lisa, Last Supper, Vitruvian Man, Self Portrait, The Virgin Of The Rocks, Head Of A Woman, and Lady With An Ermine.

We should also try to be the finest versions of ourselves. That is the quote Leonardo Davinci left. The thing we should include in our life is that we should first improve ourselves in order to do our finest actions. And I feel it is a viable option.

I'm going to try it as well. You should too.

Thank you!



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